A sketchy black and white drawing of a frame loom, a pair of scissors, a cone of yarn, a bobbin of yarn, sewing needles, a coffee cup and a pair of hearts

Weave With Us!

NEW Virtual Drop-In Session

Join us for a relaxed weave and chat! This is a space open for all levels and abilities to come together and connect with fellow disabled and chronically ill fiber artists.

Thursday 12pm - 2pm


A man surrounded by fiber materials smiles as he waves on a Saori floor loom

An individual smiling as they weave a multicolored tapestry on a floor loom. In the background is a table full of various yarns.


Who we are

A nonprofit organization that brings free-form weaving to people of all ages with developmental, mental, or physical disabilities


What We Do

  • Provide onsite and virtual weaving workshops

  • Offer staff trainings exploring weaving and our arts philosophy

  • Create a safe environment for learning new skills

  • Nurture freedom of expression and inner strengths

  • Provide a lasting source of accomplishment

A woman smiles as she weaves on a table surrounded by yarn

An individual smiling as they weave on a cardboard loom, the table they are working on full of various colors and textures of yarn.


Support Intertwine Arts

There are lots of different ways that you can support us. We could not continue to spread the joy we do without your help.

Make a Donation

With your contribution, we can make the arts more accessible through free-form weaving!

Buy from our Wishlist

Purchase from our wishlist, to provide
professional arts materials for our programs.

Volunteer with us

Want to help our teaching artists with a workshop
or use your skills as an advisor?
Contact us to discuss opportunities.

Visit the Store

All proceeds go directly to benefit the work of Intertwine Arts.
Products have been made by weavers with disabilities or other artists who have donated their work.


Featured Products

In Their Own Words

A framed piece of blue-toned weaving, with a note handwritten in front explaining an artist's experience.

A framed piece of blue-toned weaving, with a note handwritten in front explaining an artist's experience: “I good when I make art. I see and lot of people happy and proud of my art work when I see them smile and laugh. It make me feel proud of myself. The color is my life like a rainbow. Sometime I tell you a story on my art like is berray and Pink, Blue and green and yellow, and brown. Those are my colors. I like to make people happy when they look at my art work. Keep calm and relax when I listening to music and out of trouble. That why I love art so much. You can make different thing and teach people the how to loom and they will be so happy to learn. But one of my staff want to video tape me on the loom and I think that a great idea. I put different colors on my work so people can see my work.
But thank the staff for helping me. Thank you so much for love. <3

A blue speech bubble

A blue speech bubble with text that reads “This is fun! It’s the first thing I’ve liked so much other than my video games and playing basketball.” - 13-year-old boy

A purple speech bubble

A purple speech bubble that reads “Looming has taught me how to stay in a calmful mode when I need to. I am very, very, very, extremely grateful that I was able to do this. And I give thanks.” - A weaver from AHRC NYC

A blue speech bubble

A blue speech bubble that reads (Intertwine)'s staff makes it easy for children of all developmental levels to have a meaningful experience with this beautiful art form" - Program Director, Extreme Kids and Crew

A purple speech bubble

A purple speech bubble that reads "I've thought about nothing but weaving since this class started and I want to thank you for that"- Zoom Weaving Workshop Participant

A purple speech bubble

A purple speech bubble that reads “I did all that! I can’t believe it!”- 7-year-old boy

A blue speech bubble

A blue speech bubble that reads “Positive vibes, positive vibes. It’s a group with nice vibes.” - Workshop Participant

A purple speech bubble

A purple speech bubble that reads “The teaching weavers from (Intertwine) are creative, patient and knowledgeable about weaving. One of their sayings is “There are no mistakes in art” which assists and encourages the members of our programs to take risks, be confident and ask for help. "- Staff from AHRC NYC

A blue speech bubble

A blue speech bubble that reads "Working with (Intertwine) over the past few years has been an absolute delight! Their team has brought so much creativity, inspiration and healing through weaving to the survivors of domestic violence with disabilities at our shelter and programs. Their weaving workshops have been a big success!” Scott Hess, Barrier Free Living, Director of Communications